Saturday, 15 September 2012

My Hair Care Routine

The above are the main products I use for my hair. Apart from shampoo and conditioner I make my own products at home. It is easy and it works well.

Daily Moisturising Spray
In order to keep my hair moisturised and looking fresh on a daily basis I use a spray bottle with a few natural ingredients. To make your own you will need:
  • A spray bottle (200 ml)
  • 180 ml of tap water
  • 4 table spoons of 100% Aloe Vera Juice (aids hair growth, natural conditioner, helps reduce hair frizz).
  • 1 tablespoon of Vegetable glycerine (attracts moisture from the air into the hair).
  • 3 drops of Lavender essential oil (lovely smell, calming).
 Place the water in the spray bottle, add the ingredients and give it a shake to mix them together. I apply this spray to my hair in the morning before styling and at night in preparation for going to bed. I use the spray lightly, the aim is to add moisture to the hair rather than making it soaking wet.  

Shea butter Mix (with coconut, Jojoba and lavender oil) 
After applying the moisturising spray I use my Shea butter mix. This help seal the water into the hair keeping it moisturised. I use the Shea butter mix according to need. When my hair is very dry I used it daily. Otherwise I use it every other day.

Shampoo and Conditioner
I use the Rainforest Moisture range of shampoo and conditioner from The Body Shop. This range is Parabens and SLS free so has none of the nasty chemicals that cause severe dryness to the hair. It smells delicious and work well for my hair. I love it.

I mainly wash my hair with conditioner. This is because conditioners also contain the cleansing agents found it shampoos therefore they will cleanse without stripping the hair of its natural oil. Many naturals use this method and it is often referred to as co-washing.

So How Long Does it Take?
Usually my morning hair care routine takes between 2 and 15 minutes depending on the hairstyle. When I wear protective styles such as Bantu Knots, flat twists etc. I simple moisturise my hair using the spray and lock in the moisture by applying the Shea butter mix. This takes two minutes. When wearing my hair out it requires styling and usually takes me about 15 minutes.

My night time routine will mirror the morning routine as protective styles take virtually not time at all. When I wear my hair out, before I go to be I apply the moisturising spray and twist my hair in order to prevent tangles. This takes between five to 15 minutes (depending on what sort of style I plan for the next day).

So there you have it. Contrary to what people say caring for natural hair is simple once you know how. 

Marisa. x

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