Saturday, 10 August 2013

My Favourite Natural Hair Resources

As a natural hair beginner I rely heavily on the internet to keep myself informed on how best to nurture my lovely Afro hair. Over the last twenty three months I've come to appreciate a number of blogs and U tube channels which have become invaluable in enabling me to keep up with the joys and challenges of being natural.  So I decided to share my favourite resources with you.

Natural Hair Blogs
There are hundreds of blogs out there that helped me feel that I am not alone and that it it perfectly OK to wear my hair in its natural form. However,  I really enjoy the more "professional" natural hair blogs which become a substitute to me buying hair magazines. These blogs  focus on natural hair like mine and give a wealth of useful hair information as well as beauty tips. They helped me feel isolated as I get to share tips with other black women whom in reality I never met but that are ordinary like me. So here are my top three blogs:

1. Black Girl Long Hair 
2. Curly Nikki
3. kurly kichana

I also refer to thenaturalhavenbloom blog when I want  scientifically specific  information relating to natural hair.

You Tube 
You tube is great  as I can always find new hair styles or ideas to help me keep up with my hair care routine. I have noticed that in order to find good tutorials one also ends up going through a lot of rubbish ones. Again over time I have become better at identifying tutorials and channels of good quality. I now have specific vlogs that I go to regularly for styles and information because their hair styles and and advice suites my tin 4C hair type.

Good channels for learning about hair care routine and technique:
1.   Lady Key - I found her tutorials useful during my first six months of being natural and learnt a great deal from them as she has 4c hair like mine.
2. Natural Chica - I found her early tutorials (back in the days when she first went natural super helpful)
3.  Naptural85 - Has good tutorials on styling techniques and is the the master of concise explanations. The only downside is that her hair texture is not like mine and therefore the end look results are often different to her hair.

Hair Styling:
1. Backsyncfan  - She always has fab hair styles for short to medium hair lengths. They always work for me.
2. SimplYounique
3. iknowlee - Has lovely practical styles for short hair.

As I am soon to join the motherhood bandwagon its worth pointing out that there are also some good natural hair resources to help parents to care for their children's Afro hair. 

1.Chocolate Hair Vanilla Care
2.  Girls Love Your Curls

Remember that most of the above resources advertise a big range of hair care products. You do not need to buy it all in order to get healthy natural hair!  Keep it simple and remember  rule number three- less is more.

Keep nurturing your Afro.

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